Yesterday, while I was distracted working, Pepper was quietly entertaining herself with clothing left lying around by the youngsters. It was only at our communal dinner with everyone present did we notice anything unusual.
This is what we discovered
Today which was the following morning, I had to collect one of her downloads to put into a doggy disposable bag only to find a complete sock combined into the mix. I will spare you any visuals but needless to say it passed from one of the dog to the other completely intact. I now have to find the socks sibling!
The chew toys continued all week, Hayley now has lost another 2 pairs of socks. Fortunately for Pepper we caught her mid-chew on the second pair. The first we were not so lucky, they were vomited up on the floor. Nice.
Last but not least, and probably not for long, at least one pen was found in extremely small pieces on her bed. So small and so little remained that it was only the ink that gave any clues as to its origin.