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Birthday Party Swiss Mega Park


Hayley had her first invitation to a birthday party for a school friend. It was taking place about a 30 minute drive away at the Swiss Mega Park in Frenkendorf, on a Sunday (Sonntag is treated very special which is family day)!

It was an early start grabbing a quick cup of coffee and out the door we went. We promptly on time and so were the first guests to arrive other than the hosts. As Swiss tradition goes, anyone who turns up will have to introduce themselves to us before going off to play! So we get to meet all without too much effort.

On to the fun part the Mega Park, it is awesome. It was just what the doctor ordered for Ryan as got his climbing fix! Hayley was also ecstatic with slides and climbing and jumpy stuff all over.

The older kids climbing park was a dream and quite well thought though. Lots of challenges with the kids tied-off with safety harnesses continually

Here are some of the photos with demonstrations courtesy of Ryan so you can see what we mean.

Hayley had fun in the junior kids slide area which was much more akin to the jumpy playhouse with slides. She like to trike around too.

However, the pizza and birthday cake were not to be missed with the usual birthday musical accompaniments.

Thanks a million to the Family McCarthy and Killian who turned 7!


If you would like to know more about the Swiss Mega Park for your own visit or curiosity then please check out the following link:

©2018 by Goddard Basel Adventure.

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