It has been a rough couple of weeks for running lately. The weather has been consistently beyond the normal temperatures here in Basel. According to the locals at least.
Aside from the heat and humidity, my body is now at a very sore point, both of my knees are grazed, bloody and swollen, my elbows are of a similar state. My right hip is bruised and sore, ribs are tender when breathing hard!
Here are some shots of the knees and elbows (PG-rated):
Here is what went on.
My initial fall involved going to through the SBB train station area where trams and buses have a major hub. Consequently, there are a ton of pedestrians and cyclists.
Going around a pair of pedestrians and trying to stay on the pavement to avoid trams was my downfall. My inside foot slipped off the curb and my center of gravity was completely off and down I went sprawling into the road.
TRIP #1 -
I was walking Pepper with Ryan and Hayley to the tram stop nearest to our house which involves going down a long hill. The tram we saw pull in which means we have 2-3 minutes to catch it as this is the beginning and end of the line for the #2 trams. Seeing the tram the kids ran off down the hill which means Pepper starts to tug and pull as she does not like to be left behind by her siblings!
We both started a slow jog to stop being left behind and Pepper will inevitably grab the leash and start jumping around as we go faster.
Unfortunately, jogging slowly along and getting her jumping back and forth she jumped in front of me and trod on my right foot. That was enough to cause me to stumble and land completely flat on my front. Bruised ribs, knees and hands taking the brunt this time.
TRIP #2 -
Walking Pepper back from Basel zoo where I dismount the tram and let the kids go on their way to school, we use the local bike path as it is more scenic.
This route takes you passed an elementary school which had loads of kids waiting to start their day and some parents and teachers watching over them.
This occasion, a local cat comes across the path and seeing Pepper stands motionless with its fur erect and arched back. Trying to get around the cat on the path, not collide with kids and passing cyclists with Pepper now a bucking bronco mixed with Fred Astaire tap dancing routine, again she took me out! Down I went flat on my hands, elbows and knees once more.
Let's hope for a better day tomorrow or I am going to be in serious trouble and will be wearing gloves, knee pads and my bike helmet whenever I take Pepper out for exercise!